Denmark's oldest LGBT+ Bookstore

Denmark's only bookstore specializing in selling LGBT+ literature. 'Bows café was founded in 2021. April and it is the first, therefore oldest, biggest and best LGBT+ bookstore in Denmark.

'Bows Café is located in Aalborg, North Jutland, Denmark, because we dream of being an anchor for all rainbows here, where we can celebrate everything that makes us different.

Why to focus on LGBT+

Simply: Why not?

But if you need a reason, here are some

  • To normalize all sexuality and gender identities
  • Literature with rainbows deserves spotlight
  • People need a place to meet other rainbows
  • To help parents, friends and everyone else to understand what their children and friends or others goes through
  • To connect LGBT+ people with literature, where they themselves are represented
  • ...

    And the list could go on.

Who is behind the 'Bows Café?

Behind the concept stands two queer women: Emma and Krsitine. They have known each other since 2005 and best friends ever since.

Emma is engineer within User Experience and Design, responsible for technology, numbers, webshop and the café. Kristine graduated as a librarian and take care of social media, event booking and the bookstore.

Emma on the left and Kristine on the right
'Bows Café's founders: Emma on the left and Kristine on the right.


Danish Rainbow Awards and TV2 Zulu Awards for Businesses 2021.

Emma on the left and Kristine on the right
Kristine on the left and Emma on the right at Zulu Award Show